Good afternoon Classy People, 

A book that is slightly climbing trends because some YouTubers are talking about it is a sign of HOPE!
Being a book lover myself, I start losing hope in people creating valuable content related to reading books. It feels that this world can be a better place after all...

The 5 AM CLUB by Robin Sharma is guidance to people who lack discipline, organization, and a specific structure in their lives which means the majority of humans living on this earth.
The characters of the book are fictionary but the essence is purely real. Adopting habits suggested in the book will radically change any person's life, so I enjoyed reading every bit of it.

I have read this book way before it became trendy on the internet, the cover and the author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari were enough reasons for me. 
Watching any YouTuber's video about the 5 AM CLUB will mainly show a large side of the concept, so I'm choosing to highlight different lines.
Since most YouTubers are focusing on the same message, which is the core of the book, I will gladly be sharing side messages that can equally uplift life if they are understood with a mindset, felt with a heartset, adopted with a healthset, and absorbed with a soulset.

My Notes From The 5 AM CLUB

  • I need to tell you that too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty.
  • Please consider that a bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul.
  • We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  • Sweat more in practice, bleed less in war.
  • Your past is a place to be learned from, not a home to be lived in.
  • Often, a bad example teaches us more about who we wish to become than a good one could ever provide.
  • Her mother had once told her that if you are fortunate enough to fall in love even two or three times within a lifetime, make each of these stories count fully.
  • Ambition without implementation is a ridiculous decision.
  • Neglect your power long enough, and you'll eventually believe you don't have any.
  • Legendary performers practice being spectacular for so long that they no longer remember how to behave in non-spectacular ways.
  • The brilliant moves in the last seconds of the championship match were automatic - The result of tireless hours of repetition of those splendid moves during training.
  • Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
  • Continue at all costs. Persistency sits at the threshold of mastery.
  • When faced with a choice, always choose the one that pushes you the most, increases your growth, and promotes the unfoldment of your gifts, talents, and personal prowess.
  • Every human being does the best they can do based on the level of consciousness they are currently at and on the grade of true power they can command.
  • And, perhaps, it's when we face losing everything that we come to know our grandest selves.
  • Continue calibrating her mindset, purifying her heartset, fortifying her healthset, and escalating her soulset.
  • A wishbone without a backbone doesn't really get you very far.
  • We always perform in a way that is aligned with the way we see ourselves and our powers.
  • We don't spend much time on meaningless entertainment because we're just too invested in endless education.
  • Day by day, step by step, an epic existence gets handcrafted.
  • On the other side of every tragedy lives a triumph. And beyond adversity exists a bridge into enduring victory, if one has the eyes to see it.
  • Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do.
  • The time you least feel like doing something is the best time to do it.


Pressure x Refueling = Growth + Endurance

  • I've learned that being successful without feeling soulful is the highest of defeats.
  • I own my things, but they don't own me.
  • You'll become a magnet of miracles when you begin being a magician of sorts.
  • Adults are deteriorated children.
  • The more vividly I value everything in my life, the more everything in my life climbs in value.
  • Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of a consumer of material things.
  • Only people in pain do painful things to others.
  • Poverty is the consequence of an inner condition, not an outer situation!
  • Money is a currency that must flow like electricity. Yes, cash is a current. Hoarding it stops the flow of it into your business and private life...Give more to receive more.
  • When you begin to workout each morning consistently, you'll be surprised by how poorly you feel when you miss a day. You'll realize that this is how you felt most of the time before you embraced this habit. You just weren't aware of it because feeling low was your usual state of being.
  • Sit courtside for one game rather than hanging out in the cheap seats for a few seasons.
  • Be around flowers often. They raise your frequency as well as your ability to see the alternate universe all visionaries tap into.
  • Express how you really feel without being limited by the devilish fear of rejection.
  • Heaven on earth is a state, not a place.
  • Because of what people told you about yourself in your early childhood, your subconscious mind discounts your braveness, smothers your highness, and chains your greatness.
  • At the end, you will realize that very little of what happened to you was an accident. Everything was for your growth. And all was for your good.
  • Tomorrow is a bonus not a right.
  • Take bold risks, yet hedge them with common sense.
  • Please remember that gifts and talents neglected become curses and sorrows.


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