Hello Classy People, 

It was about time to launch such a project in El Jadida city!
LE LOKAL embraces its name so well because it opened in a local area and is owned by a local.
This location is different from any food place in El Jadida because its building was founded to be home and became a public space later, so it's cozy.

Only a few western decorations exist in LE LOKAL's interior because the owner wants to praise Moroccan furniture.
Food is the cherry on the cake, which explains the light menu because the purpose of LE LOKAL is to gather people in a cultural ambiance.

LE LOKAL is about assembling locals and internationals who come to visit or stay in El Jadida under the flags of intellect and art.
The money paid for each beverage and snack is financing LE LOKAL to invest in talented people who would be planning musical events and animating literary café.

I like to visit LE LOKAL each time I'm having a great day in El Jadida. It's a place full of warmth and love where everyone can feel joyful.
Board games are available on some shelves for any group who would want to have fun, so any table represents a cultural center of diverse exchanges between different individuals.

Located in the Mellah, LE LOKAL encourages people to have an engaging view through its rooftops and a chance to walk around and discover the best historical site of El Jadida city.



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