MARRAKECH / Light Painting


Bonsoir Classy People,

Introducing one of the trendiest activities in Marrakesh city, Light Painting Art.
The concept is so interesting because it has both technical and artistic side, you need to work with someone who knows the camera and has the soul of a painter.
The concept in Marrakech is leaded by Salim, so you should get ready for craziness and creativity !!!

It was a straight YES from me when I was approached to do this project, it was unique and different than my previous photoshoots…

That moment when your body needs to freeze but your mind and soul need to move, that moment when 20 sec feels like an eternity and that moment when you must keep calm despite the fire around you ( I literally mean fire, real Fire ).

The photoshoot in one word: CRAZY

Get ready and create your own story with Light Painting by making a reservation HERE
2 PICTURES  => 100 Dhs
5 PICTURES => 200 Dhs
8 PICTURES   => 300 Dhs
12+ photos: 30Dhs / 1 Picture
PRINTING: +50Dh / Photo


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